Thank you balloon

I made a gift balloon for a teacher who leave at school today. She was the most popular from children. I made a big heart and put her on top and children in the middle. Oops the girl is almost fall down in this picture. Than you and goodbye ‘A’!!

Wedding party

I made wedding decorations on last Saturday. The bride drew the face on the groom balloon and vice versa. It become entertaining at the party but I don’t have the picture of the bride and groom balloon picture…sorry. The “LOVE ” balloons were popular at the party.

Congratulations B and S!!

Halloween event at preschool #2

We went Halloween party at yugakusha preschool where I decorated. I prepared sample photos for balloons but kids didn’t matter the photos and asked whatever they wanted. One of boys asked us a Moter bicycle witch never made before. We took longer time to make but made it for him and he was happy. We should practice more variety balloons.